All products shipped from our warehouse are guaranteed fresh and saleable. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with our product we will arrange for pick up of the product.

Notify our main office in any and all situations within 5 business days of receipt of merchandise. Please call with your account number, invoice number, invoice date, and the reason for the return. All items must be in original carton and full case pack. All items returned should be clean and free of all markings. Arrangements will be made for the pick up of the item to be returned. Our main office must be notified by 12 noon the day before shipment to have your return picked up at time of delivery.

No deductions from the invoice will be permitted without a credit invoice. Exception: If at time of delivery, on current shipment, a deduction for a correction/return may be made by refusal and the return of the item. A deduction is permitted if you are remitting payment immediately. 

If you are returning a product from a previous invoice and are COD, the warehouse must receive and approve the return before a credit can be made. When approved, A/R will issue a credit to your account for you to deduct from your next invoice. If you are a COD customer, the driver will be notified of any outstanding credits on your account for you to take off the COD amount at the time of delivery. Returned product will be credited to your account upon arrival and approval of our warehouse. Customers with terms will be notified at the time of placing an order if there is a credit on their account. The credit amount will be put on the comments line of your next invoice for you to take off your next payment.

All returns are subject to a 10% restocking fee. The restocking fee doesn't apply when an error on our part has been made.