Thankfully, a very long time ago, dried or dehydrated fruit was invented.

Dried fruits make a healthy choice for daily fruit requirement, not to mention that they are very delicious snacks.

Dried fruits provide more fiber and minerals, and about the same amount of B vitamins, as fresh fruit.  Plus, they will be a convenient source of energy during your endurance activities. 

We picked some of our favorite dried fruits to highlight for you: 

Dried Papaya

Have you had dried papaya spears, a whole new way to enjoy papaya?  Spear shaped dried papayas offer gentle sweetness and chewiness, and are fun to munch on. 

Orange and yellow dried fruits, such as dried papaya, mango, peaches, pineapple, etc., are rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, which contribute to healthy skin and hair, promote eye health, and strengthen our immune system.  Also, papaya aids digestion because of its enzymes that help break down proteins, fats, and starches.


If you are looking to add some color and sweet, exotic tastes to your diet, try our scrumptious dried papaya.

Dried Pears

Succulent dried pears have a mildly sweet taste that is quite unique.  Their texture is soft, and they boast a beautiful golden yellow color.

Dried pears are very nutritious and beneficial to health.  They are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and make a healthy snack and a way to satisfy a sweet tooth. 


Our dried pears pair really well with some cheeses, dark chocolate, wine and even fish, and are a wonderful addition to salads and rice dishes. 

Dried Strawberries

Dried strawberries are a tasty and healthy snack that’s super easy to pack and take anywhere you go.  Really sweet and moist, they may well be one of the most delicious dried fruit treats. 


Dried strawberries are extremely rich in vitamins and a variety of antioxidants.  They will revive any boring cereal or trail mixes; add them to your baked goods and snacks desserts, and any dairy products. 

Jumbo California Peaches

This beautiful dried fruit has an intense fruity scent and a bright yellow orange color.  Dried jumbo peaches are grown in California and picked at their peak ripeness.  This is how their characteristic aroma and flavor, mildly sweet but complex, are captured.


Dried peaches are rich in Vitamins A and C, and are a valuable source of fiber, calcium and potassium, making them a good choice for snacking.

Dried Kiwi

Deliciously sweet and slightly tangy, dried kiwi has a vibrant green color.  These fiber-packed dried kiwi slices are a great way to get good nutrition.  Since they are dehydrated, they are denser, chewier and richer in nutrients per gram than raw kiwi. 


Did you know that this small fruit contains more vitamin C than three oranges?  According to The Natural Food Hub, dried kiwi contains more vitamin C per gram than it had before it was dehydrated.  And that’s not all - according to the California Kiwifruit Commission, one serving of kiwi contains more potassium than a banana. 

Dried or dehydrated fruit is a nutritious and healthy snack or a substitute for sweets – as long as we do not overeat – which is sometimes easy to do as they are so tasty.  Also, they are easy to pack, store and eat, offering busy people a convenient way to get good nutrition. 

Next time you want a healthy yet yummy snack or you crave something sweet, or you feel like revamping your “same old trail mix”– be adventurous and go for some dried fruits!  And, as always, adding some gourmet chocolate to your snacks or desserts further enhances your culinary experience.

Are you well stocked with delicious and healthy wholesale dried fruits?

To buy wholesale dried fruit online, visit our vast selection of good quality wholesale dried fruits today: